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תונקל אל תוא תונקל
ךְ"ָּנ ָּתב ַ תוֹפָּסוֹנ תוֹינק ִ ְ ה ָּמַכל ְ תוֹא ָּמְגוּדּ
ם הרבא י " ע הלפכמה תרעמ תיינק
כ ' , גכ קרפ
ם ָה ָר ְׁב ַא לֹק ְׁשִּיַו ,ןוֹר ְׁפע - ֶ ל ֶא ,ם ָה ָר ְׁב ַא ע ַמ ְׁשִּיַו
-- תח - ֵ יֵנ ְׁב יֵנְׁז ָא ְׁב רֶב ִּד ר ֶשֲא ף ֶסֶכה - ַ ת ֶא ,ןֹר ְׁפֶעְׁל
. ר ֵחֹסַל רֵבֹע ,ף ֶסֶכ ל ֶק ֶש תוֹא ֵמ עַב ְׁר ַא
And Abraham hearkened unto Ephron; and
Abraham weighed to Ephron the silver, which he
had named in the hearing of the children of Heth,
four hundred shekels of silver, current money
with the merchant.
א ' כ , גכ קרפ
יֵנ ְׁפִּל ,ר ֶשֲא ,הָלֵפ ְׁכ ַמַב ר ֶשֲא ,ןוֹר ְׁפֶע ה ֵד ְׁש ם ָקָיַו
ר ֶשֲא ,ה ֶד ָשַב ר ֶשֲא ץֵעה - ָ לָכְׁו ,וֹב - ר ֶשֲא ה ָרָע ְׁמ ַהְׁו ,ה ֶד ָשה ַ :א ֵר ְׁמ ַמ
. בי ִּב ָס וֹלֻבג - ְׁ לָכ ְׁב
So the field of Ephron, which was in Machpelah, which was before
Mamre, the field, and the cave which was therein, and all the trees that
were in the field, that were in all the border thereof round about, were
made sure.
, י 'הכ קרפ
ם ָה ָר ְׁב ַא רַב ֻק ה ָמ ָש תח - ֵ יֵנ ְׁב ת ֵא ֵמ ם ָה ָר ְׁבא ה ַ ָנק - ָ ר ֶשֲא ה ֶד ָ ש ַה
וֹתּ ְׁש ִּא ה ָר ָשְׁו
The field which Abraham purchased of the children of Heth; there
was Abraham buried, and Sarah his wife.
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