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       Hebrew Alphabet – Script Letters

                  Student's Workbook

       Writing Exercise 1 - pages 6-10 in eBook

   Now, please listen to the respective track on the CD and fill in the letters

   and the vowels as in the example for letters “Bet” and “Vet”. We will

   start with the first group of letters that are written from left to right.

                                                                      Spaces
                                                                                 for letters

ְ       ֻ ‫י ֹו ֹ ּו‬                     ֱ‫ַ ָ ֲ ֳ ֵי‬                              Hebrew


Silent  OO            O          EE      E           A           >--Sound

        as in poor  as in short  as in  as in egg  as in father

                    ּ‫(ּב‬B)                          CD #2 – Track 2


ּּ‫ ּּבּ ּב ּב ּב בּ ּב בּ ִּבּ ִּבי בּו בּ בּו ּב ב‬Bּ‫ב‬

                                                                                             ּ Bet

       ‫ב ִּביּ ּּבוּבּּּּּבּוּבּיּ ּ ִּבּי ִּבּיּ ּבּוּבּי‬

                    ‫(ּב‬V)                          CD #2 – Track 3


‫ בּ ּב בּ בּ בּ בּ ּב ִּּב ִּבי בּו ּב בוּ ּב ּב‬V ‫ב‬


  ‫בּבּּב ִּביּּּבוּבּּ ִּבּיבּּּבּוביּּ ִּבּי ִּּביּּבּוּ ִּּבי‬
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8