Page 11 - Ulpan-Or: Verbs Future Tense-UNIT 2- HITPAEL 311217 HTML5
P. 11
11 Unit 2, Track 4
Binyan Hitpa'el
בניין התפעל
Moving from Infinitive Form to Future Tense
ְל ִהIn Binyan Hitpa’el we omit the infinitive form prefix , while
maintaining the sound pattern of the infinitive form:
ְל ִהInstead of the we use prefixes corresponding to the pronouns.
As an example let’s use the verb to progress – ְל ִה ְת ַק ֵּדם. Follow the
arrows to find the prefixes used for each pronoun.
to progress - ְל ִה ְת ַק ֵדם
ְל ִה ְת ַק ֵדם ← ְת ַק ֵדם
Pronoun היא ← ִת הּוא ← ִי א ַנחנּו ← ִנ/* ֲאני ← ֶא א ָתה
תק ֵדם+תק ֵדם ִנ+תק ֵדם ִי+תק ֵדם ִת+ֶא
ִיתק ֵדם ִנתק ֵדם ֶאתק ֵדם ִתתק ֵדם
Now we will also need to add the corresponding suffixes:
Pronoun ּו+ּו ֵהם ← ִי+א ֶתם ← ִת י+א ְת ← ִת
Prefix & Suffix
ּו+תקדמ+ּו ִי+תקדמ+ִת י+תקדמ+ִת
Prefix & Suffix ִתתקדמּו ִיתקדמּו ִתתקדמי
*Note that the music for ֲא ִניis "E..A..E..". We will see this phenomenon of
ֲא ִניbeing slightly different in other Binyanim as well.
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