Page 17 - Taglit-Unit 7-RE_Neat-video21-09-15-V2311-NPW
P. 17

Unit 7           17
                                                                                                 Unit 7, Track 4

             David has a crush on Deena, but is shy to ask her personally, so he asks
             Orly about Deena.
             Check here whether you filled the blanks correctly.

                       Person                     English                            תי ִר ְב ִע

                                      Orly, where is Deena                             ה   פי  ֵּ א  ֵּ מ  ,י   ְ ר  ִל  ֹא

                       David          from?                                                     ?ה  ָּני  ִ ד

                                      Is Deena from Montréal?                     ? לֹאי ִר ְטְנֹמ ִמ  ה  ָּני  ִ ד

                                      Deena?                                                    ?ה  ָּני  ִ ד

                        Orly                                                              ?םֹא ְת ִפ ה  ָּ מ
                                      Are you kidding?

                                      Deena is from Toronto.                        .    וטְנֹרֹּ ִמ  ה  ָּני  ִ ד

                                      Seriously? Really?                             ?ת  ֶ מ    א  ֶב !?ה  ָּל  ְלאַו

                       David          I am too from Toronto!                      !    וטְנֹרֹּ ִמ  ם  ַג י   ֲא  ִנ

                                      How old is Deena?                                ?ה  ָּני  ה    ִ ד   ָּ מ  ת    ַכ   ַב

                        Orly          Deena is nineteen.                       .    ה  ֵּ ר  ְ ש  ע    ֶע   ַ ש  ת    ְ ת   ַב  ה  ָּני  ִ ד

                       David          Great, I am 20.                           .    םי  ִ ר  ְ ש   ן  ֶע   ֵּב י  ִנ  ֲ א !!י    י  ִ פ

                        Orly          Cool!                                                     !ה   ָּב  ָּב   ַ ס

             Now watch the video again and get prepared to act it out.

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