Page 6 - E-Tone (07-10-18) Advenced Level
P. 6
E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest
Item #1 (Advanced Level)
What is in Our Water?
If it weren’t for the desalination plants, this summer we would have
already been deep in a strict water regime. The desalination plants that
went into operation in the past decade have rescued us from a deep crisis,
but have created (lit. put us into) another difficult problem. A new study
published last night leaves no room for doubt, removing the magnesium
from the water in the desalination process causes a significant increase in
heart disease. Along the coast of Israel there are five desalination plants:
near Ashkelon, Ashdod, Palmachim, Soreq and Hadera. In general, the
communities adjacent to the plants receive a hundred percent desalinated
water. As you move away from the plants, the water is diluted with natural
water. Since 2011, the World Health Organization and the Ministry of
Health have called for the addition of magnesium to water. The opposition
by the Water Authority and the Ministry of Finance have caused these
recommendations to be put deep into the drawer. Perhaps the current study
encompassing one hundred and eighty thousand Israelis will finally cause
the authorities to act to prevent the health damage that the study points to.
Page 6 - Edition 07-10-18
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