Page 19 - E-Tone (10-11-22) Advanced_level
P. 19
E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest
One-page format to print (Low-Intermediate Level)
Now listen again and check your answers.
Listen again several times till you feel you know well the new
Talking Dictionary – אֹו ַצר ִמ ִלים ֻמ ְק ָלט
English עברית English עברית 1
car(s) ְמכֹו ִניֹות,ְמכֹו ִנית 6 to come up )ַל ֲעלֹות ( ָפ ַעל 2
comes up (m. sg.) עֹו ֶלה 3
including כֹו ֵלל 4
parking space ֲח ִנ ָיה 7 website ֲא ָתר
col. oh well ל ֹּא נֹו ָרא 8 furniture ָר ִהי ִטים,ָר ִהיט 5
madness ֵטרּוף 9 offer(s) ַה ָצעֹות,ַה ָצ ָעה
10 pet(s) ,ַח ַית ַמ ְח ָמד
ַחיֹות ַמ ְח ָמד
Page 19 - Edition 08-07-18
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