Page 31 - IL-Unit-9-RE-141016-V23938
P. 31


                                              IL, Unit 9

                        ? המחזת הדיאלוג?:?פעילות מסכמת בכיתה?

    Exercise 7: In pairs, translate 8-10 lines from the dialogue into Hebrew row by
    row, each translating his or her part. Translate the whole dialogue if you are up
    for the challenge. Then act out the dialogue in front of your classmates.

1 Hello, I’m looking for a dress.                                                                           :?טלי?
2 What kind of [which] dress, honey?                                                                     :?מוכרת?

3 An elegant dress, though not too much,                                                                    :?טלי?
    size 38.
4   I have a dress just for you. What do you say?
    It’s pretty, isn’t it?                                                                                  :?טלי?
5 I don’t know… I don’t like its sleeves.
6 Oh… and this dress?                                                                                    :?מוכרת?
7 Ummm… I don’t like its buttons.
8 And this one?
9 This one? I don’t know, it’s a little too                                                              :?מוכרת?
10 And this one?                                                                                         :?מוכרת?
11 Too short.                                                                                               :?טלי?
12 Ummm… I know!!! This one!
13 This?! This is a dress for grandmothers.
14  Really? I have a dress like this one. I wear
    it all the time.                                                                                     :?דניאל?

15  Yeah… it’s very pretty… Well, even                                                                      :?טלי?
    grandmothers dress well [pretty]…                                                                    :?דניאל?

    What about this dress? It’s very pretty,                                                                :?טלי?

16 not short and not long. Do you want to try                                                            :?דניאל?
     (it) on?
17 Yes, I want to. Well, Daniel, how is it?                                                              :?דניאל?
18 Wow, you’re beautiful. Well, do you want it?

19  Yes! I don’t believe it. That was really
    fast. Daniel, you’re my shopping angel.

20 Shopping angel? What’s that?

     Every woman has a shopping angel. She
21 goes shopping with him, buys a million

    clothes and her husband gets [is] angry.

22  Oh, that… that’s not an angel, Tali. That’s
    a credit card.

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