Page 87 - Infinitives-unit-2-includes-time-w-fpage-RJ_Neat
P. 87

87                                  Unit 2, Track 31
   Time – Numbers & Expressions

Vocabulary – ‫אֹו ַצר ִמ ִלים‬

Now check your answers, be assisted by the table below.

             English                ‫ִע ְב ִרית‬
festival(s)                                  ‫ ח ִגים‬,‫חג‬
honey cake(s)
delicious food                 ‫ עּוגֹות ְדבש‬,‫עּוגת ְדבש‬
sukka, hut                                 ‫אֹו ֶׁכל ָט ִעים‬
drastic                                          ‫סּו ָכה‬
to eat junk
to run                               ‫ ְדר ְס ִטית‬,‫ְדר ְס ִטי‬
something else                         ‫ֶׁל ֱאכֹול ְשטּויֹות‬
in the end                                        ‫ָלרּוץ‬
I (f.) never do anything                   ‫מ ֶׁשהּו א ֵחר‬
all of the people                                 ‫בסֹוף‬
what we can               ‫ֲא ִני ָאף פעם ל ֹא עֹוׂ ָשה ְכלּום‬
                                          ‫ָכל ָה ֲא ָנ ִשים‬

                                  ‫ָמה ֶׁש ֲאנ ְחנּו ְיכֹו ִלים‬

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