Page 16 - Ulpan-Or: e-Tone 01-05-16, Advanced Level
P. 16
E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest
Item #3 (Advanced Level)
Giving Wholeheartedly
It happened thirty years ago, when Yakov was a young man of twenty
three. His father, Shmuel, fifty two years old at the time, needed a kidney
donation due to a severe illness. Yakov, the second of four children, didn’t
think it over at all. He decided to donate a kidney to his father. Now
Yakov needs a kidney donation himself. It’s quite possible that if he hadn’t
donated a kidney to his father thirty years ago, then only one of his
kidneys would have been collapsing, and so in fact he would have
remained a healthy man who doesn’t need a kidney donation. In a few
months the only kidney that remained in Yakov’s body will completely
collapse. He’ll be forced to stop working, and he’ll wait for years for a
donation from a person who died and his relatives agreed to donate their
organs. According to the National Transplant Center, half the families
asked to donate the organs of a relative who passed away, refuse. If this
trend changes, the waiting time for a life saving transplant operation in
Israel will be significantly shortened.
Page 16 - Edition 01-05-16
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