Page 22 - Alefbet book-unit 2-Script-HTML5 270518
P. 22
Hebrew Script Letters
Please listen to the respective track on the CD and fill in the letters and the
vowels as in the example for letters “Bet” and “Vet”.
for letters
ְ ֻ י ֹו ֹ ּו ֱַ ָ ֲ ֳ ֵי Hebrew
Silent OO O EE E A >--Sound
as in poor as in short as in as in egg as in father
CD #2 – Track 16
(צTz) Tzadi
Start writing this letter from the top. The upper portion of it is
raised above the row line.
צּחּיּּּצ ּדי ּכהּּבּיצּה
CD #2 – Track 17
(ץTz End) Tzadi sofit
Start writing this letter from the bottom. The upper portion of it is
raised above the row line.
ּ Tz ץEnd
Tzadi sofit
ּצץּּּּ ּכץ
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העתקה והפצה אסורים, כל שימוש.אור-כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן