Page 5 - Ulpan-Or: TV Series "Mekubalot", Part 3 090416-V2322-NPW
P. 5
Here is vocab that can assist you in understanding the
video clip even better.
English עברית
not fair ל ֹא הֹו ֵגן
(everybody) laughs at you יֹו ְר ִדים ָע ַל ִיְך
to fear )ְל ַפ ֵחד ( ָפ ַעל
I will fear (m, f) ֲא ַפ ֵחד
to hate
hate (pl) )ִל ְשנֹוא ( ָפ ַעל
to tolerate שֹו ְנ ִאים
tolerates (f, sg)
belong (f) )ִל ְסּבֹול ( ָפ ַעל
סֹו ֶב ֶלת
ַש ֶיי ֶכת
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