Page 30 - IL-U7-Dial-Supermarket-RE-131016-131116-V24938
P. 30

IL, Unit 7

? המחזת הדיאלוג?:?פעילות מסכמת בכיתה?

Exercise 7: In pairs, translate 8-10 lines from the dialogue into Hebrew row by
row, each translating his or her part. Translate the whole dialogue if you are up
for the challenge. Then act out the dialogue in front of your classmates.

1 Wow, what a line!                                :?דניאל?
2 Ya, it’s Thursday today. Everybody is           :?דוד נתי?

     shopping for Shabbat.                        :?דוד נתי?
3 Oh boy, here it starts.                          :?דניאל?

4 What starts?                                    :?דוד נתי?

5 The phone calls.                                :?דוד נתי?
6 Hello?                                             :?רותי?

7 Natti? Are you still at the supermarket,        :?דוד נתי?
8 I’m already at the cash register. Why?             :?רותי?

     Oh… I just need one little thing. I want to  :?דוד נתי?
9 make a cake for Shabbat and there’s no
                                                  :?דוד נתי?
     flour at home. Is that a problem?               :?טלי?
10 No, it’s not a problem. Danny, could you
                                                  :?דוד נתי?
     bring (some) flour? Thank you.
11 Hello?                                            :?טלי?
12 Dad, are you still at the supermarket?
13 Yes, but I’m already at the cash. Is it        :?דוד נתי?

     something urgent?                            :?דוד נתי?
     Yeah, very! I have a big exam tomorrow           :?גיל?
14 and I don’t have chocolate!
                                                  :?דוד נתי?
15 And that’s urgent? Well, ok. Danny, can            :?גיל?
     you bring (some) chocolate?
                                                  :?דוד נתי?
16 Hello?
17 Dad, are you still at the supermarket?
18 Yes… What do you want?
19 There’s a party in class tomorrow and I

     need to bring a snack.
20 Why do you only tell (me) now? Well, ok.

     Danny, can you bring a snack?

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