Page 13 - Workbook-verbs-in-a-nutshell-nifal-FP_Neat-Unit 4 (10.04.16)
P. 13
Binyan Nif'al
Check yourself
תוך שימוש באוצר המילים,קרא את התרגום לאנגלית ותרגם את הרעיון של הסיפור
.של הפעלים החדשים
1. Tell the story in Hebrew while reading the English text.
2. Fill in the right column in Hebrew and check yourself using the text on the
previous page.
English tanslation עברית
Gil: I'm leaving! Come say goodbye
(come part from me) to me
nicely… Come on, Inbar, I can't
travel without parting from you.
Inbar: Really? So I won't part from
you, and then you will stay!
Gil: I won't stay, because I have to go.
But why are you worried? We
stay friends, and next summer we
will meet.
Inbar: And if you will stay in America
next summer too?
Gil: Why do you think I will stay?
Inbar: Maybe you'll meet with
important people, and you will
go into politics?
Gil: I will go into politics? No way! I
will never be elected!
Inbar: You said that Shimon Peres and
Ehud Olmert won't be elected
and they were. And mom says
that they might be elected
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. העתקה והפצה אסורים, כל שימוש.אור-כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן