Page 29 - Verbs-pastN-unit1
P. 29
29 Unit 1, Track 11

UNIT 1 - Binyan Pa'al, Group 1

1 ‫ קבוצה‬,‫בניין פעל‬

Moving from Present Tense to Past Tense

In Binyan Pa’al, Group 1, the easiest way to get to the past tense
“kernel” is by using the present tense form. For example:

‫ִל ְכתב ← כֹו ֵתב‬

We then change the sound pattern to match the name of the
Binyan – Pa’al:


To this basic “kernel” we add the corresponding suffixes, according to
the pronoun. As an example let’s use the verb:

to write - ‫ִל ְכתב‬

‫ִל ְכתב ← כֹו ֵתב ← ָכ ַתב‬

Pronoun  ‫ ּו‬ ‫ ה ֵהם‬ ‫ִהיא‬  ‫הּוא‬
‫ּו‬+‫ה ָכ ְתב‬+‫ָכ ְת ָב‬ ‫ָכ ַתב‬
Suffix  ‫ָכ ַתב‬
‫ָכ ְת ָבה ָכ ְתבּו‬

For the second chart, we use a slightly different “kernel”:

Pronoun  ‫ ֶתם‬ ‫ַא ֶתם‬ ‫נּו‬ ‫ֲא ַנ ְחנּו‬ ‫ ְת‬ ‫ַא ְת‬ ‫ ָת‬ ‫ַא ָתה‬ ‫ ִתי‬ ‫ֲא ִני‬

Suffix  ‫ ֶתם‬+‫נּו * ְכ ַתב‬+‫ ְת ָכ ַתב‬+‫ ָת ָכ ַתב‬+‫ ִתי ָכ ַתב‬+‫ָכ ַתב‬
‫ָכ ַת ְב ִתי ָכ ַת ְב ָת ָכ ַת ְב ְת ָכ ַת ְבנּו * ְכ ַת ְב ֶתם‬

*Note that the kernel for ‫ הּוא‬is different than the kernel for ‫ ִהיא‬and ‫ֵהם‬
Also, there is a slight change for ‫ ַא ֶתם‬. (However most people in Israel

pronounce it as ‫ ָכ ַת ְב ֶתם‬instead of ‫) ְכ ַת ְב ֶתם‬

We will see these phenomena in other Binyanim as well.

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.‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
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