Page 25 - Ulpan-Or: Workbook, Situations-That's life-Part 2 240815-V237-NPW
P. 25
CD1 37
Track 11
Situations: That's Life – Unit 2
היצאוטיסה תזחמה :התיכב תמכסמ תוליעפ
Exercise 7: In pairs, translate the situation into Hebrew row by row. Together,
try to think of a solution. Then present the situation and the solution in front of
your classmates.
1 Adi tells:
My dad has a new and beautiful Blackberry;
the problem is that all day long he fiddles
with it: sends messages, reads e-mails, talks
to people.
Last week we went out together to a café,
3 because dad wanted us to have quality time
I waited for this meeting because I wanted to
4 tell dad about the high grade I got on the
math test.
But instead of having quality time with dad,
dad had quality time with the Blackberry
and I simply got bored in the café.
Every sound of a call or message he got, dad
said that "this is the last time" and that he
"has to answer (this) call", but it wasn't like
We didn't speak and I didn't tell him about
my grade.
I was very disappointed from the meeting
with him; I feel that he prefers to fiddle with
his Blackberry instead of being with me.
Even when he is with me, he is not
9 concentrated and he is always involved with
other things.
Afterwards, he is surprised that I don't tell
10 him things and that we hardly speak.
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