Page 19 - Ekuator Profile e book
P. 19

Product and Services

                 Mutual Funds/ Reksadana

                 Mutual  Funds  are  investment  vehicles  funded  by  investors'  pooled
                 money  to  jointly  invest  together  in  stocks,  bonds,  money  market
                 instruments and other securitized assets. In Indonesia, the investment
                 vehicle  is  called  Reksadana  and  created  by  Collective  Investment
                 Contracts between the Investment Manager and Custodian Bank.  To
                 establish  a  mutual  fund,  both  Investment  Management  rm  and
                 Custodian Bank must hold a license issued by Otoritas Jasa Keuangan
                 (OJK),  an  SRO  who  oversees  and  with  the  authority  to  regulate
                 Indonesian capital markets.

                 There are multiple types of mutual funds:
                 -  Conventional Open-ended funds such as Equity Funds, Balance Funds,
                    Fixed Income Funds and Money Market Funds

                 -  Close-ended funds, or funds with maturity dates,  such    as Capital-
                    Protected Funds

                 -    Special-purpose  funds,  such  as  Project-based  Funds,  Infrastructure
                    Funds, REIT, Asset-backed Funds, Lifecycle Funds, etc.

                 Ekuator  Swarna  Investama  seek  to  address  our  clients'  diverse
                 investment  needs  and  are  ready  to  provide  suitable  investment

                 Discretionary Funds

                 For our sophisticated Institutional and High Net-Worth Clients, Ekuator
                 Swarna Investama offers Discretionary Funds Services. As mandated by
                 the OJK, Discretionary Funds are established by a bilateral agreement
                 between  the  Investment  Manager    and  a  single  client  (either  an
                 individual or an entity) with a set minimum amount to be invested. For
                 further information, please contact us.

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