Page 4 - wasana activity 2.docx
P. 4
Tim Berners Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web, at
the London 2012 Olympic opening ceremony.
Berners Lee was a physicist and, in his need, to share
information with other physicists around the world found out
that there was no quick and easy solution for doing so. With
this in mind, in 1989 he set about putting a proposal together
for a centralized database which contained links to other
documents. This would have been the perfect solution for Tim
and his colleagues, but it turned out nobody was interested in
it and nobody took any notice - except for one person. Tim's
boss liked his idea and encouraged him to implement it in
their next project. This new system was given a few different
names such as TIM (The Information Mine) which was turned
down as it abbreviated Tim's initials. After a few suggestions,
there was only one name that stuck; the World Wide Web.