Page 7 - Miss No Label
P. 7
The exception being The Asakusa Shrine which miraculously survived the air
raids of 1945. Also known as Sanja-sama ("Shrine of the Three gods"), is one of
the most famous Shinto shrines in Tokyo, Japan.
Asakusa Shrine, Tokyo.
(Shown below)
An O-mikuji. The o-mikuji predicts the person's chances of his or her hopes
coming true, of finding a good match, or generally matters of health, fortune, life,
etc. When the prediction is bad, it is a custom to fold up the strip of paper and
attach it to a pine tree or a wall of metal wires alongside other bad fortunes(as
shown in the picture above) in the temple or shrine grounds.
At some temples, visitors burn incense (osenko)
in large incense burners. Purchase a bundle, light
them, let them burn for a few seconds and then
extinguish the flame by waving your hand rather
than by blowing it out. Finally, put the incense
into the incense burner and fan some smoke
towards yourself as the smoke is believed to have
healing power. For example, fan some smoke
towards your shoulder if you have an injured