Page 4 - Enews September 2020
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facilities. NMMI is unaware of any prohibition on double occupancy. Risks, if any, associated with double occupancy are mitigated by
             adherence to social distancing guidelines. In other words, no double occupancy occurs in a room where 6-feet social distancing
             protocols cannot be maintained.

            NMMI's dining facility seats about 1,000. In its submitted plan, NMMI reduced that overall indoor dining capacity to 50%, in
             accordance with then-current guidelines, by modifying the floorplan, table spacing, and seating. With some modification, the current
             floor plan capacity is set at 40%. Although dining capacity has been diminished to 40%, NMMI has not yet actually fully utilized that
             revised diminished capacity. Mealtime was split into two separate groups of cadets. NMMI also retained
             outside contractors to construct plexi-glass barriers on all dining tables to prevent any direct contact by students sitting across the
             table. NMMI previously disclosed this plan and provided the contractor's protocol to your office. NMMI did not receive any objection.
             Another copy of the protocol is being provided herewith.
            Students are also being provided prepackaged "grab and go" meals.

         Continued Testing, Contact Tracing, and Reporting
            Fortunately to date, NMMI has had zero symptomatic cadets. In the event any cadet presents to the infirmary with COVID-19
             symptoms, they will be immediately tested for flu, strep, and COVID-19. It is anticipated that COVID-19 results will be reported to
             NMMI infirmary staff within 24-48 hours. NMMI will comply with all reporting requirements to New Mexico agencies and parents.
             The cadet will be isolated and provided either PPE enabled direct or telehealth care to manage and treat symptoms.
             Testing will also be implemented for all close contacts of confirmed or probable COVID-19 patients.
            NMMI has adopted CDC recommended guidelines with respect to contact tracing. Contact tracing will be conducted for any close
             contacts of a laboratory-confirmed or probable COVID-19 patient. Asymptomatic contacts testing negative will still self- quarantine
             for 14 days from their last exposure.
            NMMI's 30 bed infirmary has set aside six rooms specifically to treat, manage, and isolate symptomatic COVID-19 cases.
            NMMI has also cordoned six single isolation rooms in one of its residence halls to exclusively isolate and/or quarantine any known or
             symptomatic positive cases and those identified in accordance with our contact tracing efforts.
            NMMI has maintained continuous contact with NMDOH representatives and remains ready to cooperate with NMDOH efforts. Either
             COL David W. West, Chief of Staff, or I are available 24/7 to respond to any event requiring a rapid response.
            These polices, and more, were promulgated with the supervision and guidance of the NMMI Board of Regents in coordination with
             the staff and faculty of NMMI and with the assistance of HED and NMDOH personnel. Few, if any, ROTC units in the nation have
             come close to plans as detailed as NMMI has in place. NMMI is implementing its submitted reopening plan that was tailored to meet
             NMMI's unique educational mandate. NMMI did receive a communication from HED on Aug 24, 2020, but NMMI was not aware
             that HED was awaiting a written response. It appears there may have been some miscommunication about the protocols NMMI imple-

         We want to reiterate that NMMI is dedicated to protecting the health and safety of our cadets, faculty, staff, and all New Mexicans. We
         remain open to suggestions in areas where HED may perceive deficiencies in our protocols. NMMI has repeatedly requested that
         representatives from HED, or the Governor's office, come visit NMMI and see firsthand the safeguards in place. That offer remains open.
         We sincerely hope that NMMI and HED can continue to work together in a more cooperative effort to ensure the continuation of the Corps
         of Cadet's safe educational experience .

         Jerry W. Grizzle, PhD President and Superintendent New Mexico Military Institute

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