Page 82 - ION Indie Magazine MarchApril 2022
P. 82
MH: Suzi, what advice would you give other artists following your path?
SK: I have read many biographies of some of my favourite artists in order to
learn from their career paths. Having said that, it is equally important to carve
out your own path. Since I began a career in the music industry, I noticed that
here seems to be an unwritten set of steps to be taken by artists that are
supposed to lead to success. Although there may be some truth to this
method, it also finds you doing the same things as many others. I would say
instead to trust your instinct and don't be afraid to create your own steps to
success. It probably means taking chances and risks others aren't willing to
take, but the payoff is that you are following your heart and will be much
happier for it. Ironically, it will probably also help you stand out by being
different. Many success stories in the industry are by those who were game
changers and challenged the status quo.
MH: 2020 and 2021 has been really challenging year for all of us. Just
when we thought concerts were starting to open up, we're now seeing
some being postponed. How has the pandemic changed your life in
performing and the biggest obstacle for you as an artist and possibly in
your personal life?
SK: I always believe that perspective is everything. How you see a situation
will determine your outcome. From the onset, I decided I would take the
opportunity to work on my crafts (songwriting and vocal abilities). I started
singing lessons and wrote more songs with my producer. If anything, a
positive outlook helped me release four singles, three music videos, and
organize three Love Revolution Festivals (two in Ontario and one in
Tennessee). I also saw this as an opportunity for independent artists to take
advantage of the level playing field in the music industry by creating their own
MH: Where do you see yourself in the next couple of
years? Your vision of the future.
SK: I have started my own publishing company and
record label. I would love to work with other songwriters
to grow my catalogue of songs and also work with other
artists under my own label. I also have plans on getting
into sync placements are of course expanding the Love
Revolution Festival.
MH: Suzi, thank you for sharing a little about
yourself. Do you have any last inspiring words for
our readers and fans?
SK: Let love be at the core of everything you do and know
that it begins with loving yourself. Stay true and genuine
to who you are, because honestly and integrity are the
best gifts you can give yourself and those around you.