Page 24 - ION Indie Magazine NovDec 2018
P. 24

This show felt like the “Best Of” or “Greatest Hits” show with a few newer tracks

          mixed  in,  as  the  rest  of  the  band’s  set  included “Radio  Silence,” “Miss
          America,” and  the  song  everyone  knows Styx by…“Come  Sail  Away,”  with

          “Renegade” closing out their set.

          Now, I grew up listening to Styx when Dennis DeYoung was the lead singer, so it

          was kinda weird hearing Lawrence Gowen sing the same tunes DDY used to sing.
          The last original members, JY and Chuck Panozzo, along with Tommy Shaw who

          has been the band’s guitarist since 1975 and sang on quite a few of their songs
          over  their  career,  are  absolutely  remarkable,  even  as  they  have  reached

          70. Shaw, being the youngest of that trio at 65, amazingly has the same guitar
          sound since coming to the band, and Gowen, is still impressive on keyboard and

          lead vocals at 62.
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