Page 74 - ION Indie Magazine SeptOct 2021 Issue
P. 74
Tim Board: How did Ships Have Sailed come to- SHS (con’t): Since then, I’ve focused on leaning
gether to form the band? into the authentic side of songwriting, honing my
production, and mixing skills, and really being
Ships Have Sailed: Ships Have Sailed began as a thoughtful of where a song belongs, whether on its
small collection of songs that weren't a fit for my main own out in the world to support a particular moment,
project at the time, but I felt a connection to them and or as part of a sequence, whether that be an album
wanted to create something around them. As I was or an EP.
busy developing them, my other band started show-
ing signs of a decline for various reasons, which was TB: Ships Have Sailed was a finalist in 2019 in
disappointing at first, but I soon realized that the new the John Lennon Songwriting Contest, also
music was building momentum, and thus, what I orig- capturing a win for ‘Best Alternative Song’ in
inally saw as a missed opportunity had turned into 2016 at the Hollywood Music in Media Awards,
the right situation after all. Hence the name Ships along with several other recognitions. Do these
Have Sailed, which is a more positive spin on the accolades alter in anyway your approach to
phrase "that ship has sailed." songwriting, or do they add more pressure?
TB: How would you best describe your music? SHS: I don’t really look at it that way. These acco-
lades are a huge honor, and I’m so grateful for the
SHS: My short answer to this is indie rock with a ‘pop- opportunities they’ve opened up and the recogni-
timistic’ angle. The longer version is that this music tion, but they don’t change how I approach my craft.
comes from my heart. These are songs that weave I think pressure is the opposite of what creativity
themselves at least partially out of thin air and they needs to thrive, so I try to avoid thinking about it that
beg to be brought into the world. In a way, I’m just way.
the vessel helping them to be born. They pull from
my own experiences, both buoyant and sometimes TB: Looking back at the songs you have re-
the more difficult ones, or from observations about leased, is there one song that really is special
the world or stories shared with me by others. Our to the band and why?
genre range is quite broad, from electro-pop to rock,
to singer-songwriter, and everything in between. I’m SHS: Wow, this is a tough one! Really, I can’t pick
super grateful that we’ve found a growing fanbase a favorite. These songs are my babies and it’s like
who seem to appreciate our diversity very much. trying to choose your favorite child as a parent. I will
say that everything released in 2020 (‘Rise’ and
TB: Your debut EP ‘Someday’ was released in ‘Breathe’) took on a very special meaning and our
2013. How has the band evolved musically and latest single, ‘Take My Money,’ is a message that I
with their songwriting since that release.? think our tech driven world needs to hear right now.
I also find this question particularly difficult because
SHS: What an amazing question! I always look at I think that some of our very best work is still waiting
each song, EP, or album as a chance to evolve and to be released. I went through a lot over the past
raise the bar from a writing perspective, a production few years, and I always process my emotions
perspective, and from the perspective of creating a through music. So, there are some profound new
cohesive piece of art. ‘Someday’ was admittedly songs waiting to be released that I think could truly
rough around the edges in all those areas. I wasn’t have an impact on others as well. I’d like to encour-
the greatest producer at the time, and I hadn’t quite age anyone reading this to please stay in touch so
found my voice as a writer. (con’t) we can keep you posted on what’s coming soon!