Page 11 - SCAA Sponsorship Document
P. 11
Getting the word out on our functions and activities is key to our success and the future development
of our non-profit! For this reason, we have added a new Board position – Director of Communications
& Public Relations. This position is held by a professional publicist with over 30 years of experience
in her field. Since bringing this position to the SCAA, we have experienced incredible growth in our
reach. This has been attained through establishing a relationship with the media through regular
announcements, media invites, and press releases to support our organization and its events.
She has also coordinated and authored a quarterly newsletter, “Artistic Connections,” for release
on October 1 . We additionally maintain an active Facebook page and have regular
communications through Constant Contact with our membership. Since the addition of our
Marketing Director, our Constant Contact has experienced 21% engagement and our Facebook
page has seen a 500% increase in followers.
Besides the phenomenal growth in our communications reach, our community presence is
significant. We have a Board member who oversees our Community Outreach Program and we
additionally partner with and sponsor various community events and attend area business and
organizations’ networking meetings. With the Grant from the National Endowment for the Arts, we
have invested in high-quality hand-outs and brochures that inspire and inform the community
regarding the SCAA, who we are, and what we do. Due to these marketing efforts, the footprint we
leave in our community in cultural and educational events, plus our growing membership and
volunteers, we estimate that approximately 25,000 people are impacted every year by SCAA
sponsored events
Media Coverage:
Due to our long-term relationship with the media and professionally-written and disseminated press
releases, South Cobb Arts Alliance regularly receives coverage in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution,
Marietta Daily Journal, Cobb County Courier, and The Bright Side Community Newspaper. Our
events are also listed on the Atlanta Convention & Visitor’s Bureau, Cobb Travel & Tourism, and
AtlantaPlanit sites.