Page 5 - SCAA Sponsorship Document
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          Mission  Statement:  The  mission  of  the  South  Cobb  Arts  Alliance  is  to  build  our  community  by

          encouraging  appreciation  and  active  participation  in  the  visual  arts,  performing  arts  and  local
          heritage.  We  will  strive  to  advance  to  high  levels  the  artistic  standards  of  our  members,  our
          community and the general public by offering opportunities to extend experiences, to increase
           skills, and to share understanding, philosophy, techniques and knowledge.

          South Cobb Arts Alliance is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, therefore, membership dues and
          donations are tax-deductible.

                                     Our  History:  Since  1972,  SCAA  has  presented  the  South  Cobb
                                        neighborhoods with hallmark events that celebrate creativity, enrich our
                                     community, and raise awareness for the arts.  We are the oldest arts group
                                     in Cobb County.

                                     Our Impact in the Community: The South Cobb Arts Alliance is an integral
                                        part Cobb County’s south side community and is one of the leading forces
                                     in  the  area’s  arts  and  culture.  The  majority  of  our  events  are  free  or
                                     discounted  to  the  participants  and  attendees.  Through  our  efforts,  we

                                     have opened doors to those in our community who might otherwise not

                                     partake  in  the  Arts.  As  an  organization,  we  coordinate  and  sponsor

                                        various  exhibits,  both  local  and  on  a  national  level.  We  also  award
                                     monetary prizes for juried exhibits and provide art scholarships for area

                                     students.  Additionally,  the  SCAA  conducts  educational  classes  in  the
                                     community  and  partners  and  supports  area  cultural  and  area

                                     organizations and their special events.

          SCAA Award and Recognitions: South Cobb Arts Alliance has achieved numerous milestones since

          its inception. Amongst its many achievements, in 2009, the Cobb Arts Board and Friends of the Arts
          recognized  individuals  and  ensembles  that  made  significant  contributions  to  the  arts  in  Cobb
          County. SCAA won for “Outstanding Ensemble/Arts Organization.”

            In  2017,  we  received  the
                                       “Challenge  America”  grant  from  the  National
            Endowment for the Arts. These funds were utilized to support a programmatic

          and marketing outreach project to promote community engagement with the
          Arts.  The  project,  “A  Shared  Community  of  Art:  Reconnecting  Artists,  Art

          Educators,  Families  and  Businesses,”  focuses  on  expanding  community-
          based programming and SCAA communications and publicity activities. New
          events and activities are planned that will reach each demographic in our
          community and welcome our many new residents.

            This community arts and culture endeavor is made possible through the partnership of the South Cobb
            Arts  Alliance  with  the  cooperation  of  artists,  members,  volunteers,  area  businesses,  civic

          organizations, local businesses, Cobb County Government, the City of Powder Springs, and in 2016-
          2017,  the  National  Endowment  for  the
                                                    Arts.  Together,  we  continue  to  work  toward enriching  the
          community through the arts!
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