Page 4 - f1
P. 4
Installation of Piles
Driven piles: by hammers or vibratory drivers.
Bored piles: piles can be inserted by jetting or
partial augering.
Continuous Flight Auger (CFA)
1. Driven piles
• Driven piles are displacement piles, because they
move some soil laterally; hence, densify the soil
surrounding them.
• Concrete piles and closed-ended pipe piles are large-
displacement piles. However, steel H-piles displace
less soil laterally during driving, so they are low
displacement piles.
• The types of hammer used for pile driving include:
drop hammer,
single-acting air or steam hammer,
double-acting and differential air or
steam hammer, and
diesel hammer.
Drop hammer (Figure 7a)
• Hammer is raised by a winch and allowed to
drop from a certain height H.
• It is the oldest type of hammer. The main
disadvantage of the drop hammer is its slow rate
of blows.