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ACCESSORIES |                     Retail Supplies

                                                                        Accessories - ENCLOSURE CARDS
                                                                        Stock #        Size                 Pack
                                           4                                            1/2
                                                        5               ECGFY4 (1)     2  x 2 silver/gold gift box  250
                                                                        ECGFY9 GOLD*   2  x 1  small gold card  250
                                                                        ECGFY11 GOLD* (2)  1  x 1  small gold card  250
                                                                        EC SLMT (4)    3 x 2 metallic silver  250
                                3                                       EC MTGD (5)    3 x 2 metallic gold   250
                                                                        EC CARDSTK     3 x 2 flat white card   200
                                                                        EC ENVSTK      3 x 2  white envelope  200
                                                                        *Denotes cards that have peel and stick backing
                                                     2                  Enclosure Cards have double sticking tape and no envelopes
                                                                        Custom enclosure cards available upon request
       Tags and Tagging Accessories                                     Limited stock available on ECGFY4, ECGFY9 GOLD, and ECGFY11 GOLD
                                                                         - call for color availability
       We offer several styles and sizes of product tags – with convenient
       strings or unstrung for use with our tach-it guns. Custom tags are
       available in a number of options - ask your sales representative for
       more information on custom tags.

       Accessories - TAGGING EQUIPMENT

       Stock #      Description
       TKS          Standard Tach-It
       TKF          Fine Tach-It

       Accessories - TACH IT NEEDLES
       Stock #  Description    Pack
       GNS      Standard Needle  3 Pack
       GNF      Fine Needle    3 Pack

       Accessories - FINE BARBS
       Stock #    Size       Pack
       BA1F       1"         5000
       BA2F       2"         5000
                                                                                Accessories -
       Accessories - STANDARD BARBS                                             WHITE JEWELRY TAGS W/ SILK RAYON STRING
                            Case                                                Stock #       Size           Pack
       Stock #    Size      Pack
                                                                                JT1WHT        1/2 x 7/8       1000
       BA1S       1"         5000                                               JT2WHT        3/8 x 13/16     1000
       BA2S       2"         5000                                               JT3WHT        1/4 x 7/8       1000
       BA3S       3"         5000
                                                                                JT4WHT        1/4 x 11/16     1000
       Accessories - UNSTRUNG COUPONED GARMENT TAGS                           Accessories - WHITE MERCHANDISE TAGS W/
                                          Case                                COTTON STRING
       Stock #         Size               Pack                                                               Case
       GU22            1  x 1 1/4         1000                                Stock #         Size           Pack
       GU32            2  x 1 3/4         1000                                MT2 WHT         1 11/16  x 2 3/4  1000
       In Stock Colors available: Beige, Grey, Light Blue, Pink, White        MT3 WHT         1 7/16  x 2 5/32  1000
                                                                              MT4 WHT         1  x 1 29/32    1000
       Accessories - STRUNG COUPONED GARMENT TAGS                             MT5 WHT         1 3/32  x 1 3/4 1/2  1000
                                          Case                                MT6 WHT         15/16 x 1       1000
       Stock #         Size               Pack                                MT7 WHT         7/8 x 1 3/32    1000
       GS22            1  x 1 1/4         1000                                MT8 WHT         3/4 x 1         1000
       GS32            2  x 1 3/4         1000                                MT9 WHT         9/16 x 15/16    1000
       In Stock Colors available: Beige, Grey, Light Blue, Pink, White        MT10 WHT        3/8 x 13/16     1000
                                                                              Custom tags available upon request
                                                Prices subject to change without notice                           103
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