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ACCESSORIES |                     Tissue Paper

       Tissue Paper - PRINTED DESIGNS & METALLICS                         Tissue Paper - PRINTED DESIGNS
       With so many colorful and functional designs, it will be hard to choose! Mix and match
       a solid tissue with our selection of patterned tissues to create a color coordinated   Stock #  Size
       packaging ensemble utilizing our extensive selection of shopping bag styles.
                                                                          'A' PATTERNS          20 x 30
                                                                          'B' PATTERNS          20 x 30
                                                                          'D' PATTERNS          20 x 30
                                                                          Letter "A", "B", or "D" in part# which is listed below each design indicates pattern level.
                                                                          Last three digits of stock number indicate number of sheets per package.
                                                                          * Note: Limited quantities available - call for availability.
                                                                          **Note: Spot On is an interleaved tissue package including sheets of Spot On, and
                                                                          sheets of solid cerise and solid orange.

         Translucent Lace   Opaque Geometrics   *Chevron   Black Chevron on   Elephants  *Waves  New!   New!   *Oblique Lines
          #347-200B  #348-200B  #335-240A  Kraft #346-240A  #336-200B  #329-200B  New!   Sea Glass  Prismatic  #326-200B
                                                                            #351-240A  #362-200B  #361-200B

         *Tie-Dye Stripe  Fashion Lines  Neapolitan Stripes  Island Stripes  Black & White   *Flannel Plaid  Desert Plaid  Arctic Plaid  Red Gingham
          #316-200B  #255-200B  #258-200B  #257-200B   Pinstripe  Awning Stripe  #332-200B  #340-200B  #339-200B  #22-240A
                                                      #343-240A  #349-240A

         Green Gingham           New!    Speckled Raspberry  Speckled White  Caribbean Dots  Falling Dots  Neopolitan Dots  Island Dots  White Dots on Black
          #23-240A   **Spot On  Lotsa Dots  #247-240A  #248-240A  #253-200B  #190-200B  #250-200B  #256-200B  #342-240A
                     #344-200B  #360-200B

        Black Dots on White  Simply Dots  Contemporary   New!     New!      Baby Prints  Festive Balloons  Party Gifts  Puppy Paws
          #341-240A  #315-200B  Confetti Dots  Hearts  Grandmas Kitchen  Wine Not?  #143-200B  #296-200B  #314-200B  #210-240A
                                #345-200B  #221-240A  #357-200B  #358-200B

           Leopard    Tiger      Zebra      Giraffe   Song Birds  Butterflies  Birds Nest  Dragonflies  West Indies  Black Toile
          #196-200B  #301-200B  #185-240A  #311-200B  #320-200B  #286-240A  #107-240A  #184-240A  #292-240A  #199-240A

                                                                                                             Retro Floral
           New!       New!     Flowers At Large  Liberty Bloom  Leafy Garden  Purple Passion  Vibrant Floral  New!   New!   #307-240A
          Old World  Tropical Mist  #337-200B  #325-200B  #324-200B  #305-200B  #319-200B  Cottage Rose  Wedgewood
          #359-240A  #363-240A                                                         #352-200B   Blossom

          Floral Lines        Gold Swirls on Kraft  Elegance  Gold Cherubs on   Gold/Silver   Fleur De Lis  Gold Stars on White  Silver Stars  Burgundy Swirls
          #309-200B  Peacock Feathers  #168-240A  #231-200B  French Vanilla  Celebration  #232-240A  #224-240A  #327-240A  #271-200B
                     #350-200B                        #152-240A  #220-200B
                                                                                                Note: Additional patterns on page 104.

      92                                 WWW.FIRSTIMPRESSIONSPACKAGING.COM
                                                Prices subject to change without notice
   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99