Page 5 - Wexler CV Catalog
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INTRODUCTION WARRANTY Recommended Cleaning and Sterilization Procedures INTRODUCTION
Wexler products are warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship when used
under normal condition for its intended purpose for 10 years from invoice date. Any instrument
that proves to be defective during this period, Wexler will, at its sole discretion, either repair
or replace the defective product at no charge. This limited warranty is null and void if a Wexler
product is repaired or modified in any way by any party that is not explicitly Wexler authorized.
remove most of the blood, body fluids, and tissue.
2) Sonicate for 10 minutes in a pH neutral enyzymatic cleaner (ENZOLTM manufactured
Wexler Surgical, Inc. shall not be held responsible for consequential or indirect damage arising 1) Rinse instruments immediately after surgery under warm running water. This should
from the sale or use of any product. by Johnson and Johnson or equivalent) prepared in accordance with the manufacturer’s
Please note: 3) Remove instruments from the sonicator and place into a container with the enzymatic
• CLAMPS: Wexler Clamps are indicated for use for temporary or partial occlusion of blood cleaner being used. Manually clean the instruments with a soft bristle brush while
vessels during surgical procedures. immersed in the cleaning solution. Pay particular attention to crevices and hard to clean
• ENDOSCOPE ACCESSORIES: Wexler Endoscope accessories are indicated for use in areas.
endoscopic surgical procedures to provide minimally invasive handling during the instru- 4) Thoroughly rinse instruments in demineralized water. Be sure to remove all residual
ment’s intended purpose. Clamps and Forceps are used to grasp tissue or other items in cleaning solution before sterilization as it can cause stains.
the surgical field, while Scissors are to cut tissue or other items and Needle Holders are 5) Dry instruments with a clean soft cloth.
employed during the suturing process.
• NEEDLE HOLDERS: Wexler Needle Holders are designed to hold needles according to Lubricate:
the chart located in the introduction section of our Specialty Catalog. Holding objects or 1) For instruments with moving parts, lubricate joints with a steam-permeable, water
needles larger than those suggested will void the Wexler warranty. soluble instrument lubricant prior to sterilization.
• DIAMOND KNIVES: Wexler’s Diamond Knives are made of natural diamonds and are
warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship when used under normal Sterilize:
condition for its intended purpose for 1 year from Invoice date. 1) Instruments should be sterilized in the open or unlocked position.
• SCISSORS: Wexler Scissors are designed to cut specific tissue or vessels as indicated 2) Instruments made of different alloys should be cleaned and sterilized separately.
by the product name and/or description. Cutting suture, gauze, or wire with Wexler scis- 3) Instruments should be sterilized by standard cycles using either steam or ETO with
sors will void the Wexler warranty. The Sharpness of Wexler Scissors is guaranteed for 1 established hospital/clinic procedures.
year. 4) The Gravity Displacement Steam sterilization autoclave process is to sterilize the
• MICS INSTRUMENTS: Wexler MICS Instruments are warranted to be free from defects instruments at 270°F (132°C) for 10 minutes. The Prevacuum (Porous Load) steam
sterilization autoclave process is to sterilize the instruments at 270°F (132°C) for
in material and workmanship when used under normal condition for its intended purpose 4 minutes. Autoclave temperatures should not surpass 280°F (137°C), as handles,
for 1 year from Invoice date. insulation or other non-metallic parts may be affected. (Note: Contact your steam
• INSTRUMENT STERILIZATION TRAYS: Wexler instrument sterilization trays are war- autoclave manufacturer to confirm appropriate temperatures and sterilization times.)
ranted for 1 year from Invoice date against defects in material or workmanship.
• OPTIMUS INSTRUMENTS: Wexler Optimus Instruments are warranted to be free from Storage:
defects in material and workmanship when used under normal condition for its intended Instruments should be stored in a clean and dry environment with tip protectors.
purpose for 15 years from Invoice date. The TC coating on Wexler’s Optimus instruments
is guaranteed for 5 years from Invoice date. The edge on Wexler’s Optimus Scissors is Please examine instrument prior to use for functionality and damage. Dispose of at end of
guaranteed for 5 years from Invoice date. All scissors that need redusting or resharpen- life in accordance with national regulations and approved hospital practices for surgical
ing should be sent back to Wexler to the attention of Customer Service. instrumentation disposal.
• TC COATING: The TC Coating on Wexler instruments is guaranteed for 1 year from
Invoice date. All instruments that need redusting should be sent back to Wexler to the Warning/Precautions:
attention of Customer Service. 1) CAUTION: US Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.
• RAZOR EDGE: All Wexler Razor Edge scissors must be returned to Wexler to the atten- 2) Product is intended to be used by trained surgeons.
tion of Customer Service for sharpening in order to maintain the unique cutting edge. 3) Normal repeated use has minimal effect on these instruments. End of life is normally
• TITANIUM: The color of Wexler Titanium instruments may vary due to the anodizing pro- determined by wear and damage due to use.
cess or alloy used. Shading or loss of blue color may also occur after sterilization. This 4) Use of this instrument for any purpose, or in any manner other than those described
is not a defect in the instrument or material and will not affect the performance of your here may cause instrument damage or failure which could result in serious patient injury
high quality Wexler instrument. or death. If needed, all Wexler metal products or fragments thereof can be located by
means of an X-Ray.
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