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Other Time Off
Maternity Leave
• Mothers are eligible to full salary during a period of 4 + 14 weeks and thereafter to 12 weeks of parental leave on base salary. Finally, the remainder of the leave period will be on daily allowances. If the child is born prior to start with the company please refer to Parental Leave Policy.
Paternity Leave
• Fathers are eligible to full salary during a period of 2 weeks and thereafter to 12 weeks of parental leave on base salary. Finally, the remainder of the leave period will be on daily allowances. If the child is born prior to start with the company please refer to Parental Leave Policy.
Parental Leave
• Parents are eligible to up to 32 weeks of extended parental leave on unemployment allowance.
Child Illness
• Employees are eligible to be absent from work on the first full day of the child’s illness. Child’s first sick day is compensated with full salary.
Other Planned Absence with Pay
• You should try to arrange appointments outside normal working hours. If this is not possible you can arrange these appointments during your normal working hours. Prior notice and agreement with your manager is necessary for planning purposes.
Pregnancies and Fertility Aid
• Eligible to go to the doctor during working hours.
• Eligible for one day of absence due to moving - but only once a year.