Page 4 - Planner / Journal 8-27-18
P. 4


            TOPUCU is a transformational program designed to develop FINISHERS. This program anticipates
            the challenges you may face in each stage of progress and provides you with profound mindsets
            that help you finish
            LESSON 1: HABITS
            You learn about habits and the three components: Trigger, Routine and Reward. We focus on
            the “Routine” as the one component of habit that you can actually control. Dissect the Trigger to
            understand the “Why” behind every habit.  Develop new routines that line up with what you are
            trying to accomplish.

            LESSON 2: MOTIVATION
            We introduce the “Scales of Motivation” as a guide to why you may or may not be doing something.
            Evaluate the scales to see which part of the formula needs to be adjusted in order to keep moving
            toward your goals.  We also explore two forms of motivation: External and Internal. Enjoy External
            motivation, but live through Internal motivation.
            LESSON 3: PAIN
            We talk about “Pain” and discomfort as a critical part of positive transformation. We teach that
            the pain you’ll experience during your change is nothing compared to the pain you may feel if you
            decide to stay in your current situation.
            LESSON 4: THE SEVEN E’S
            The Seven E’s represent the way thoughts enter and affect your mind. You’ve got to stop the
            negative thoughts at the first E, “Entrance” and, conversely, you need to nurture the positive thoughts
            all the way through the final E – “Enveloped”. Our thoughts become our words. Our words become
            our actions. Our actions become our habits. And our habits define who we are.
            “Visualization” – seeing it and achieving it. Think of an image on a puzzle box to illustrate the idea of
            having a picture of what you’re reaching for.  If you cannot visualize where you want to be at the end
            of your journey, then the chances of ever starting that journey are slim to none. Visualize your goal
            and reach for it one piece at a time.
            LESSON 6: VALUE OF TIME
            We explore the “Value of Time”. Make a list of the six most important tasks to accomplish each day
            and work to optimize the 168 hours you have in each week. True lasting transformation takes time –
            using that time wisely and effectively creates change.
            Identify and visualize challenges that are keeping you from changing or causing you to go back to
            your old habits, put them on top of that bridge and blow them up! Be committed to your future self.
            The second part of TOPUCU is the FINISHER Program. Here, we guide you through the process of
            taking an inventory of your life.  We’ll break it down into sections like family, education, health, work
            and more.  This activity leads to the creation of a Personal Mission Statement for your life.  We’ll get
            to the core of who you are and help you lay out specific, positive statements about yourself that will
            keep you motivated and on track to being the best person you can be each day.
            Then we identify specific and attainable SMART Goals for every area of your life.  We teach you
            about four types of time-sensitive goals. These goals become the ultimate key to seeing true positive
                                     The Only Person U Cheat is U
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