Page 4 - Kolte Patil AR 2019-20
P. 4

Kolte-Patil Developers


            One of India’s

            most exciting real

            estate development


            Not because it markets

            more apartments in

            Pune than any other


             Footprint                  Promoters               Track record           Credit rating
            Kolte-Patil Developers Ltd. is one  The promoters of Kolte-Patil   The Company has delivered  The Company is not only
            of India’s leading residential real  Developers Limited possess   over 20 million sq ft of   a respected developer;
            estate companies. The Company  three decades of rich   residential units across   it is also one of the
            was formed nearly three decades  sectorial experience. The   Pune, Bengaluru and   least leveraged, with an
            ago with the philosophy of   result is that the Company   Mumbai in its existence.   established track record
            ‘Creation, not Construction’.   has weathered a number of   The Company had about 10   of positive operating cash
            Over the years, the Company has  market cycles, validating   million sq ft under execution  flows. The Company
            established itself as one of the   its competitiveness in   (sold and unsold) by the   enjoyed CRISIL A+ /
            leading residential real estate   even some of the most   close of FY20.   Stable rating, one of the
            developers in the country.   challenging economic                          highest ratings accorded to
                                        phases. The promoters                          an Indian residential real
            Even as the Company is      validated their employees-                     estate developer by CRISIL.
            headquartered in Pune, it is   first commitment when
            present in three Indian markets   they voluntarily took a 50%
            with attractive potential – Pune,   salary reduction in FY21
            Mumbai and Bengaluru. The   to tide over the COVID-19
            Company has been enjoying a   uncertainty.
            dominant position in Pune for
            years, holding its ground against
            national builders of repute.  The
            Company has developed and
            constructed over 50 projects,
            including residential complexes,
            commercial complexes and IT
            Parks covering a saleable area of
            over 20 million square feet across
            the markets of its presence.

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