Page 6 - Compilation
P. 6

STEP                                                                STEP                                                          STEP

         Receive notification of Claim                                Audit Claim form to ensure all                               Audit docs received from Client
             then create a deal in                              details are correct & check requirements                           to ensure all docs are present &
               CLAIMS PIPELINE.                                          with insurer if necessary.                                      correct according to


                                                  STEP                                                               STEP                                                      STEP

                                            Pre-populate Claim Form                                     Send Form to Client,                                  If no response, create a task to
                                          for Client and create a task                               create a Task to follow-up                                       continue follow-up

                                   for Gesina to Audit & Send form to client                                  in 2 days.                                               untill complete.

                    STEP                                                         STEP                                                             STEP

         Send docs & Form to Insurer and                       When Claim is approved, contact client                              Use template to email Client to
                                                                                                                                      confirm Claim finalization.
         e-mail client to inform them that                           to inform them of approval,
          their claim has been submitted.                          and attach the approval letter.

                                                    STEP                                                             STEP                                                         STEP

                                           Create a task to follow-up                            If medical claim, invoices to be                        If all finalised, check total claim amount
                                             Claim in 2 days or up                        cross-reference with Insurer payout schedule                            and update Pipedrive.
                                                 untill complete.                            and confirmed none have been missed.                       If all complete, mark the deal as WON.

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