Page 10 - Leaman Murray Seller & Buyer Guide
P. 10

                                                       Access to all listings
                                                            including   MLS,
                                                            b a n k    o w n e d
                                                    properties,  distress  &
                                                    estate  sales,  private  sales,
       First,  it’s  important  that  you  un-        and  previously  listed  home
       derstand whose interests Realtors            where  the  seller  is  still
       are legally bound to serve in a real         interested in selling.
       estate transaction.
                                               Expert  advice  on  useful
       T h e   L i s t i n g   A g e n t          clauses  such  as  home  in-
                                                  spections  and  financing  to
       The  Listing  Agent  is  under  con-       protect you fully.
       tract with the seller to market and     Expert  negotiation  of  the
       sell  their  property  for  the  best      offer to purchase to achieve
       possible  price.  Working  with  a         the  best  possible  price  and
       listing agent means that they can:         terms.
       Arrange a showing                      Expert  advice  on  market
       Assist with financing                     value,  inclusions,  location,
                                                  as  well  as  help  you  decide
       Provide details                           when  you  should  walk
       Explain  all  the  forms  and             away.
       agreements related to buying the        Discovery and disclosure of
       property.                                  all  information  about  the
                                                  property  including  liens,
       Y o u r        P e r s o n a l             warranties,  disclosures,
       A      g       e       n      t            seller’s  purchase  price,
       ( R E A L T O R ® )                        and  market  and  planning
                                                  activity  in  the  area.
       When you  engage  the  services  of
       your  own  personal  agent—
       someone who is under contract to      AS      YOUR        PERSONAL
       work solely in your best interest—
       you get all of the same               REALTOR , OUR JOB IS TO
       services  listed  above  plus  your
       personal Realtor  provides:           ENSURE       YOU      ARE     AN
       Confidential  assistance  that       EDUCATED  BUYER  IN  ALL
       addresses your needs first.           ASPECTS  OF  YOUR  HOME
       Honest,  loyal,  diligent,  free
       from  any  conflicts  of  interest.   BUYING PROCESS.
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