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Articles                                                              DAN BAYER

                                         8                                   46          EDITOR
                                                                                         Rebecca W. Ayers
                                                                                         Amy Steele

                                                                                         DESIGN AND PRODUCTION
                                                                                         Moxie Sozo
                                                                                         Dave Belin, Paul Brody, Dave Byrd, Nate Fristoe,
                                                                                         Geraldine Link, Earl Saline, Curt Steinhorst
                                                   BEST                                  NSAA STAFF
                                                     2 0 17– 2 0 18
                                                        THE ASPEN WAY                    Kelly Pawlak
                                                        The mountains don’t discriminate. Neither do we. Neither should anyone.
                                                        Ethnicity, religion, race, gender identity. We’re better together. On the
                                                        mountain, at work, as a nation, as members of the human race. It’s easy
                                                        to give in to fear of the different. Please, don’t.  RISK & REGULATORY AFFAIRS DIRECTOR
              Pg. 6                                Pg. 44  UNITY— IT’S #THEASPENWAY
              Snowbasin Wins 2018 Conversion Cup   Resorts, Hero of Sustainability       Dave Byrd,
              BY EARL SALINE                       Win Golden Eagle Awards               ADMINISTRATION DIRECTOR
                                                   BY GER ALDINE LINK                    Wendy Guyerson,
              Pg. 8
              Insanely Successful: Ski Helmet Use    Pg. 46                              ASSOCIATED MEETINGS DIRECTOR
              Up Significantly                     National Marketing Award Winners for   Jennifer Larson,
              BY DAVE BYRD                         2017-18 & Their Creative Initiatives to   FINANCE DIRECTOR
                                                   Help Grow the Sport                   Laura Lewis,
              Pg. 10                               BY REBECC A W. AYERS
              Putting Skiing & Snowboarding                                              PUBLIC POLICY DIRECTOR
 ©2018 accesso Technology Group, plc
              On the Blockchain                    Pg. 54                                Geraldine Link,
              BY PAUL BRODY                        National Safety Award Winners for
                                                   2017-18 & Their Praiseworthy Programs  MEETINGS & CONVENTIONS DIRECTOR
              Pg. 12                               BY REBECC A W. AYERS                  Tom Moore,
              NSAA Research Programs:                                                    TECHNICAL SERVICES DIRECTOR
              How to Interpret & Use Them          Pg. 62                                Mike Lane,
              to Your Advantage                    NSAA Photo Album:
              BY DAVE BELIN                        National Convention & Tradeshow       EDUCATION PROGRAMMING DIRECTOR
                                                                                         Earl Saline,
              Pg. 42                                                                     SPONSORSHIPS DIRECTOR
              NSAA Takes the Fall Education                                              Amy Steele,
              Workshops on the Road
              BY DAVE BYRD                                                               MEMBER SERVICES DIRECTOR
                                                                                         Paige Vickerman,
                                                                                         133 South Van Gordon Street,
              Departments                                                                Suite 300, Lakewood, CO 80228
                                                                                         The NSAA Journal is an official publication of the National
                   Pg. 4                                 Pg. 70                          Ski Areas Association. Articles may be reproduced
                   Drifts                                New Members                     when credited to National Ski Areas Association’s NSAA
                                                                                         Journal. The NSAA Journal (ISSN 1530-1087) is published
                                                         NSAA Welcomes Associated,       bimonthly (six times a year) by the National Ski Areas
                                                         Affiliated, & Supplier Members  Association, 133 South Van Gordon Street, Suite 300,
                                                                                         Lakewood, CO 80228. Only members of NSAA may
                   Pg. 66                                Pg. 72                          receive the publication, unless a written request is sent
                   Face Shots                            Last Lift                       to NSAA. The annual subscription rate is $25. NSAA
                                                                                         reserves the right to sell the NSAA Journal to members
                   People, Promotions, Capital           National Safety Poster Winners   only. Periodicals postage is paid at Denver, Colorado.
 Your guests are unique. So is your business.  Improvements, & Other    & Their Artful Contributions to   Postmaster: Please send address changes to:
                                                         Snowsports Safety
                   Trail-Breaking News
                                                         BY REBECC A W. AYERS            NSAA Journal, NSAA,133 South Van Gordon Street,
 That's why you should be with a partner who gets you.                                   Suite 300, Lakewood, CO 80228.
                                                                                         Phone (303) 987-1111; Fax (303) 986-2345.
 At accesso, we’re more than technology and innovation. We’re the powder day buddy
 for your snow-obsessed sta , with experience and dedication to help you conquer the
 steepest challenges.   ABOUT THE COVER  |  Numerous variables play into the multi-faceted Kottke End of Year
                        Survey results.
 To learn more visit
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