Page 60 - Winter 2018 Journal
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THE 2018
Mountain Creek Resort in
A TRUE HIGHLIGHT of each year is the announcement of the New Jersey proudly displays Mountain Creek Resort
the Conversion Cup in its
winner of the annual NSAA Conversion Cup Challenge base lodge. The resort won
the coveted award for the
at the NSAA National Convention. The energy and buzz 2012-13 season.
around the award creates a tangible sense of anticipation in
the crowd. The standing ovation and instant recognition As the most recent winners of the 2017 Conversion Cup,
from the industry for the extraordinary efforts put into cre- Washington’s Mission Ridge Ski & Board Resort certainly
ating lifelong skiers and riders is truly memorable. The pride exemplifies this attitude. Jodi Taggart, the resort’s ski school
in hoisting the trophy is the perfect end of the winter season. director, explains their award winning approach: “Our ‘con-
Of any strategic priority for a resort, the long-term version’ program was designed to allow the students to deter-
growth and sustainability of your customer base is one of mine when they were ready to move beyond the beginner
the most important. NSAA has long focused on the topics terrain. We were no longer telling them their progress hinged
of driving trial, conversion, and retention, with the clearly on a predetermined number of lessons. This student-centered
defined strategies in the NSAA Model for Growth Cookbook, approach took the pressure off the student and the instruc-
first launched in 2001. More recently, starting in 2014-15, tor. As a result, we saw more students coming back to the
NSAA pioneered the Beginner Conversion Study, which helps learning center more often and become part of our family
individual ski areas to document the experience of beginners instantly. Ultimately, this allows us to have more than one
at their resort and to identify areas for improvement. Ski areas answer to the ‘What’s next?’ question.”
that have fully committed and made conversion a resort-wide, The process to apply is easier than it ever has been.
long-term priority are setting themselves apart and seeing the Areas must provide a detailed overview of their programs
results in increasing visits and revenues. designed specifically to increase skier and rider conversion
The NSAA Conversion Cup winners represent the best of rates. Because this is a single award given to the best pro-
the best. The award recognizes those areas that go above and gram, regardless of size, each entry is assessed on its individ-
beyond with their learn-to programs, develop and try new ual merits and results. This levels the playing field for smaller
teaching methods, create programs that entice newcomers resorts competing with large resorts. Each entry is evaluated
and give them a clear path to continue to participate beyond on a number of components, including the following:
the first time, and measure the area’s (and its guests) success. • Tracking of and following up with first-time participants
The importance of conversion is certainly not lost on • Increase in Level 1 lesson volumes
the broader industry. As the title sponsor, HEAD has been a • Season-to-date sales data on specific learn-to packages
supporter from the beginning, starting with the first award and incentives designed to drive repeat visitation
in 2011. Jon Rucker, senior vice president of HEAD Winter • Ability to demonstrate a logical path for beginners to
Sports, is a believer. “In our estimation, NSAA’s Conversion become intermediates, including year-over-year programs
Cup award is the most important in the skiing and riding • Marketing ingenuity, creativity, use of new media, etc.
industry right now,” Rucker said. “The effort areas put into
their programs have actual, real-world results. They create new The winner of this year’s Conversion Cup will be announced and
skiers and riders, and grow the overall industry. The tangible celebrated at the upcoming NSAA National Convention and
actions areas are taking also provide new and different ideas for Tradeshow in Marco Island, Fla., at the JW Marriott, May 3-6.
other areas to then make their own. This program truly reflects Download the application form from (also provided on
the best and brightest our industry offers to meet the ongoing pg. 66), submit your entry by March 1, and be sure to come to
challenges of growing snowsports.” Marco to find out if you get to hoist the Cup this year!