Page 3 - November 2018 SOARing Butterflies News
P. 3

Mary Ussery

                                                               Ind. Senior Executive Director

                                                                     205.445.4182 (call)

                                                                    801.331.5532 (text)


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          We are officially in our busiest selling season of the year!  THIS is the time to

          Book and Sell!  In my experience with selling Thirty-one over the last 11 years, I

          have learned that if I sit and “wait” for  things to happen, they rarely do!  If I set

          goals and go for them and don’t give up, I get more sales and make more con-

          tacts and I truly see myself begin to GROW!  If you are stuck in a rut, I encourage

          you to look at the images a few pages later…. I shared these before but I think a

          reminder will always help!  I also am including the income producing activity sheets

          I shared a little while ago– these are things that will lead to growth of income in

          the next few months!!!  NOW is the TIME to BOOK!  Just as when our pink ticket

          incentive was the time to share the business opportunity, DOUBLE HOSTESS

          REWARDS is TIME TO BOOK those parties!  Make sure your potential hostess-

          es know that they have options and you are there for them.  Double FREE is

          HUGE!  Let’s get our ASK in GEAR and SOAR!!!
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