Page 64 - APPD_Something's_Brewing_Nov/Dec'24
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Something's Brewing Partner
The World Coffee Innovation Awards
Caffѐ Culture continues to innovate
launched just last year, recognised
innovators and advancements in beans,
pods, equipment, and drinks. The full list of With crazy rising cocoa prices,
winners can be found on the Refreshment premium chocolate producers Mork
magazine website here. and Kokoa Collection were on hand to
A professional lineup of speakers shared sample and educate operators on
industry insight, and best practices, trading up and serving luxury versus
combining research and data to help commodity hot chocolate.
operators prepare for the £5 flat white which
is coming.
The BSA’s Jon Townsend from The Institute
of Coffee hosted a panel focused on avoiding
toxic workplace culture.
Kokoa Collection had
a busy two days
For operators seeking smart
technology with small footprints both
Eversys and Bestir were on hand to
Jon Townsend from present the very best fully automated
The Institute of Coffee hot drink systems.
The new brew lab showed exciting ways to This show was a message that a
prepare and present unique coffees with profitable foodservice future lies in
added value in single-service formats. combining the best of ingredients with
Alongside this, the SCA Cup Tasters a story of provenance, building strong
Competition highlighted the huge talent the resilient workplace cultures, and
coffee world has in the UK. utilizing smart technology can keep
It was clear that many previous fringe your business ahead, which can drive
beverage offerings have galvanised and margins into a positive space giving
matured to become staple offerings of a room for growth and expansion. A
coffee bar. Chai Guys were sampling the pleasantly optimistic air filled the giant
most impressive authentic Indian chai well hall where innovation, bold ideas, and NOVEMBER/DECEMBER. 2024 | ISSUE 39
worth exploring. Matcha and Beyond heady coffee aromas provided a lively
demonstrated ways to offer Matcha across a and professional show.
range of formats for customers to enjoy. The A big thank you to Elliot Gard and his
Jersey Dairy showcased a new ready-to-drink excellent team for nurturing a great
serving format for luxury chocolate milk and event and delivering the seemingly
iced coffee. impossible feat- a bigger and better
Caffѐ Culture for 2024.