Page 9 - SBrewing(Dec2020)
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                                                                                    DECEMBER. 2020 | VOL. 12

       Van Houten® organic

       single origin hot chocolate

                                                                 Van Houten® Santo Domingo: terroir
        Van Houten continues to reinvent its well-               product with signature taste
       established range of hot chocolate                        Ever since the first European settlers
       beverages with Van Houten Santo Domingo:                  reached the Americas, the Dominican
       a pure, organic, and UTZ-certified chocolate              Republic has grown into one of the finest

       drink made from the finest Santo Domingo                  chocolate producers globally. VH Santo
       cocoa beans. This 100% natural ingredients                Domingo contains 33% full-fat, UTZ-

       based hot chocolate will appeal to baristas               certified cocoa and celebrates its tropical
       who are seeking to provide premium                        heritage with two components: organic
       products that differentiate, delight and                  sugar and organic cocoa. Its intense

       satisfy their customer needs for something                cocoa taste, pleasant bitterness and
       that is a superior experience or more                     roasted cocoa notes yield a sophisticated
       sustainable than the norm.                                flavour profile topped off with subtle hints

                                                                 of vanilla. And on top, you’ll enjoy
       Recently shortlisted for a Quality Food                   convenient packaging that makes it easy
       Award, Van Houten as a brand continues to                 to prepare with fresh milk in any table top

       grow a loyal following of hot chocolate                   or barista machine. If served with dairy
       lovers who simply aren’t prepared to                      milk alternatives such as oat milk then
       compromise on quality and taste.                          you have a vegan option hot chocolate

       Why authentic & sustainable products
       are essential for today’s market                          How Van Houten® Dream Choco

       It’s not just taste that keeps customers                  Drinks sets trends of tomorrow
       coming back for more. 66% of global                       Ever since the patent they claimed for the

       consumers say they’re willing to pay more                 vertical cocoa press, the Van Houten
       for sustainable brands1. Authenticity is also             family sparked nothing less than a
       key, with the provenance and story telling                revolution with the creation of what we
       behind any great product, it’s important to               know today as drinking chocolate. Today

       be able to add value to the customer                      still, new innovations and new
       experience by sharing with them what                      technologies improve on a rich catalogue

       makes Van Houten Santa Domingo such a                     of products with healthier, organic and
       beautiful product to enjoy.  We continue to               future-proof hot chocolates for everyone.
       expand our knowledge with the sensory
       differences of coffee blends and the same

       can be achieved with hot chocolate too.
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