Page 4 - STA Assurance Continuous Improvement Activities
P. 4

   East Central Catholic School Division Assurance Framework - Continuous Improvement
What do we do well? •
As previously mentioned, each domain is composed of key elements or outcomes that out- line how each domain supports student growth and achievement within the context of each learning community.
The Assurance Framework provides a continuous improvement workflow by developing a shared responsibility through stakeholder engagement. This collaborative process en- ables each school community to identify strategies that address local societal context chal- lenges that impact student growth and achievement in each of the respective communities.
Within each of these domain priories; the division has identified key elements or out- comes. The division develop primary and ongoing strategies aligned to support each of the key elements or outcomes.
What do we need to improve?
What are some new approaches we could explore?
Strategy & Performance Measurements

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