Page 45 - ECCS 2019-20 AERR and Three Year Education Plan
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   Financial Summary 2019-2020
ECACS Three-Year Education Plan and Annual Education Results Report
A web link to the Audited Financial Statements and Budget Summary:
Detailed expenditure information, including information on school-generated funds and their uses, is available in the ECACS 2020-21 Detailed Budget Report or may be requested from the Division Office at:
Mary Ann Threinen - Secretary-Treasurer
Website link to the provincial roll up of AFS information: Government of Alberta K to 12 Financial Statements - Provincial Report.
   Revenue Approved Budget Final Approved Budget Actual 2019/2020 2019/2020 2019/2020
 Alberta Education 22,614,843 20,284,991 19,549,316
 Alberta Infrastructure
0 1,382,370 1,384,498
 Other - Government of Alberta
6,000 135,358
 Federal Government and First Nations
0 6,300
 Other Alberta school authorities
83,800 96,984
 Property Taxes 1,463,416 1,423,316 1,398,639
 Fees 188,410 188,410 118,222
 Other sales and services 227,022 213,652 158,216
 Investment income 75,000 85,000 138,234
 Gifts and donations 216,714 47,562 58,497
 Rental of facilities 5,000 10,000 7,785
186,000 197,350
 Other revenue
 Total revenues 24,790,405 23,911,101 23,253,759
 Certificated salaries 11,283,762 11,136,343 10,955,447
 Certificated benefits 2,494,797 2,472,631 2,475,483
 Non-certificated salaries 3,476,117 3,540,985 2,980,758
 Non-certificated benefits 992,700 968,383 838,794
 Services, contracts and supplies
5,036,300 5,078,706 4,492,509
 Amortization of supported tangible capital assets
1,544,491 1,485,913 1,511,561
 Amortization of unsupported tangible capital assets
580,397 495,227 506,067
 Other interest and finance charges
200 200 4,148
 Total Expenditures 25,408,764 25,178,388 23,764,767
 Operating Surplus (deficit)
-618,359 -1,267,287 -511,008
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