Page 179 - MY STORY
P. 179
“what in hell makes an M&P grunt think that they’re
capable of calculating stress, understanding fracture
mechanics, and telling us how to design anything!!!” I
spent a week going through the intricacies of fracture
mechanics analytical methods with the strength folk (Don
F) with the result that we gained a new respect for each
other. The only guy I could not convince was the
Strength department head. He was too set in his ways to
figure it out, but the strength folk responsible for the
OMS pressure vessels did it right. We won the program.
Our M&P folk, in conjunction with the Strength folk, won
a program from NASA-Langley to examine the combined
effects of creep and cyclic stress on the high-temperature
behavior of nickel and cobalt base alloys. One of the
reasons for the win was our proposing a new analytical
algorithm using linear-regression-analysis to predict the
behavior of these alloys under combined creep and cyclic
stress conditions. The analytical algorithms were to be
validated by comparison to actual experimental data
conducted in our labs at the very high temperatures.