Page 187 - MY STORY
P. 187


               We  were  incredibly  successful  in  winning  competitive
               programs from the DoD in the area of HEL V&H.  So
               much so that our competition began to complain to our

               government sponsors about unfair competition.  We had
               won at least three or four multimillion-dollar contracts in
               this technology  by  writing  the  best proposals, with  the

               best team of subcontractors at the lowest cost, with the
               best  laser  test  facility  in  the  country.  A  new
               multimillion-dollar  SMATH  program  (version  IV)  was

               coming up for competitive bidding.

               In a quiet meeting with our USAF customer, they outlined
               the  problem  and  criticism  they  were  facing  from  our
               competition.  They knew that there was no legal way for
               them  to  ask  us  directly  to  not  bid  this  upcoming

               procurement,  so  they  simply  wondered  aloud  at  our
               meeting “if we might even consider letting this one get by

               us  since  we  were  so  busy  performing  on  existing

               We knew these folk pretty well by now and had a great
               deal of respect for their position. So – we asked, “would
               it be OK if we teamed with another prime contractor as a

               subcontractor instead of bidding for the prime contract?”
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