Page 21 - Winterling's Chasing the Wind
P. 21

In 1940 I was introduced to politics. Wendell Wilkie was the Republican candidate
                   opposing Franklin Roosevelt, who was running for an unprecedented third term. For
                   some reason, the name Wilkie captured my fancy and I considered myself a Wilkie fan.
                   I was disappointed when I learned that FDR had won.

                   Walking to and from school, I always walked by the U.S. Post Office. They had a large
                   picture of Uncle Sam facing the sidewalk saying "I Want You". What was so unique
                   was the way that the finger pointed out. Whichever way I walked by the sign, it looked
                   like the finger was always pointing at me.

                   Like  many  kids,  we  were  always  exploring  the  town.  Not  far  from  the  Cleveland
                   Elementary School I attended, there was an ancient red brick school building that had
                   closed. It was always very spooky whenever I peeked through the dingy windows into
                   the dark building. Mother always told us to stay away from trash cans and the garbage
                   dump. But the urge to discover hidden treasure led us to search anyway. When we
                   would find empty tin cans, we would select two the right size to fit around our shoes.
                   We laid them on their sides and stomp them so the edges would clamp to the side of our
                   soles, much as roller skates would. We could then walk on the sidewalk, making a
                   clomping sound like the tin man in the Wizard of Oz.

                   I never had a lot of playmates. I usually picked one that I felt close to so we could share
                   our thoughts and feelings with each other. There was one that I felt was my friend. I
                   can’t remember if his first name or last name was Howard, but after I spent a few days
                   walking around town with him, my mother told me she thought I shouldn’t be seen with
                   him. When I asked why she replied: “Because he’s a negro”. I had always accepted him
                   as  a  nice  kid  and  couldn’t  understand  what  was  wrong  with  having  a  negro  for  a

                   One  day  around  noon,  I  was  walking  a  block  away  from  school  and  I  saw  a  few
                   classmates were talking. After joining them, one of the boys looked at me and said,
                   “It’s 2 o’clock at the waterworks”. I was surprised to hear that it was that late, so I said
                   I have to go home. When I got home,  I discovered that it was only one o’clock. I
                   couldn’t  understand  why  they  said  two  o’clock  until  I  went  to  the  bathroom  and
                   discovered there were two buttons on my fly that were not buttoned!

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