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COLOR & FONT SUGGESTIONS Discover the thread colors and fonts that make personalization stand out on your favorite print!

                    BLOOMIN' BOUQUET                CAMO CROSSHATCH                   COZY PLAID
                    BLEND THREAD: Bright Yellow,    BLEND THREAD: Brown,              BLEND THREAD: Oatmeal,
                    Navy Blue, True Turquoise       Charcoal, Olive                   Platinum, Sunset Gold, White
                    POP THREAD: Aqua, Lime Green,   POP THREAD: Golden Yellow, Hot    POP THREAD: Brown, Hot Pink
                    Purple                          Pink, Orange, Red                 Merlot, Red
                    FONT: Blackboard, Headline      FONT: All Caps, Headline          FONT: Block, Headline, Rounded

                    DANDELION DREAM                 DECO DIAMOND                      DEEP MERLOT
                    BLEND THREAD: Black, Charcoal   BLEND THREAD: Black               BLEND THREAD: Black, Merlot
                    POP THREAD: Coral Pink, Kelly   Caramel, Charcoal, White          POP THREAD: Hot Pink,
                    Green, Orange, Red              POP THREAD: Burgundy,             Sunset Gold, White
                    FONT: Block, Headline, Rounded  Merlot, Sunset Gold               FONT: Goes great with your
                                        “Cross Pop Camo”
                            CATEGORY:  Camo  80% of  75% of
                            DESIGNER : S. Clow  85% of  75% of  19-1016 TPX  80% of 19-1016 TPX  PMS Warm  90% of PMS Warm  17-0627 TPX  17-0627 TPX 85% of  18-0422 TPX  18-0422 TPX  15-6410 TPX  15-6410 TPX  FONT: Headline, Rounded  favorite font!
                            DATE:  11.3.16  Black  Black  Java  Java  Grey 10  Grey 10  Dried Herb  Dried Herb  Loden Green Loden Green  Moss Gray  Moss Gray  2-way
                    DEEP MERLOT W/                  DITTY DOT                         DOT TRIO
                    FLORAL EMBROIDERY               BLEND THREAD: Charcoal,           BLEND THREAD: Charcoal,
                    BLEND THREAD: Merlot            Platinum                          Dark Olive, Platinum
                    POP THREAD: Orange, Hot Pink,   POP THREAD: Aqua, Bright          POP THREAD: Aqua,
                    Burgundy, Caramel               Yellow, Hot Pink, Violet          Lime Green, Violet
                    FONT: Goes great with your      FONT: Block, Rounded              FONT: Rounded, Swirl
                    favorite font!
                    FAB FLOURISH                    FALLING FEATHERS                  FOREST FRIENDS
                    BLEND THREAD: Navy Blue,        BLEND THREAD: Brown,              BLEND THREAD: Oatmeal, Powder
                    Oatmeal                         Caramel, Platinum, Violet         Pink, Slate Blue, Sunset Gold
                    POP THREAD: Aqua, Burgundy,     POP THREAD: Bright Yellow,        POP THREAD: Black, Coral Pink
                    Coral Pink, Royal Blue          Orange, Sunset Gold               Navy Blue, Red
                    FONT: Block, Rounded            FONT: Blackboard, Headline        FONT: Blackboard, Fun Dots

                    GARDEN PARTY                    IKAT BAZAAR                       INK BLOCKS
                    BLEND THREAD: Platinum,         AVAILABLE 9/1                     AVAILABLE 9/1
                    Oatmeal, Violet, White          BLEND THREAD: Oatmeal             BLEND THREAD: Oatmeal,
                    POP THREAD: Bright Yellow,      Sunset Gold                       Sunset Gold, White
                    Coral Pink, True Turquoise FONT:   POP THREAD: Burgundy,          POP THREAD: Golden Yellow,
                    Headline, Rounded               Coral Pink, Golden Yellow         Orange, Red
                                                    FONT: Headline, Rounded           FONT: Headline, Rounded
                    BLEND THREAD: Black,            THREAD: Goes great with           BLEND THREAD: Brown, Charcoal,
                    Brown, Merlot                   your favorite color!              Dark Olive, Oatmeal
                    POP THREAD: Burgundy,           FONT: Goes great with             POP THREAD: Black, Burgundy,
                    Coral Pink, White               your favorite font!               Navy Blue
                    FONT: Block, Headline, Rounded                                    FONT: Block, Headline
                    OMBRE STRIPE                    OOH-LA-LA OLIVE PEBBLE            OOH-LA-LA OLIVE PEBBLE
                    BLEND THREAD: Black, Hot Pink,   BLEND THREAD: Brown, Charcoal,   W/ FLORAL EMBROIDERY
                    Merlot, Orange                  Dark Olive                        BLEND THREAD: Dark Olive
                    POP THREAD: Platinum, Powder    POP THREAD: Merlot, Navy Blue,    POP THREAD: Orange, Caramel,
                    Pink, Sunset Gold, White FONT:   Sunset Gold, White               Deep Teal
                    Block, Headline, Rounded        FONT: Goes great with your        FONT: Goes great with your favorite font!
                                                    favorite font!
                    ORIGAMI POP                     PATIO POP                         SEA TURTLE TANGO
                    BLEND THREAD: Hot Pink, Merlot   BLEND THREAD: Bright Yellow,     AVAILABLE 9/1
                    Orange, Powder Pink             Hot Pink, True Turquoise          BLEND THREAD: Hot Pink, Red,
                    POP THREAD: Black, Red          POP THREAD: Aqua,                 True Turquoise
                    FONT: Headline, Rounded         Royal Blue, Purple                POP THREAD: Black, Golden Yellow,
                                                    FONT: Block, Rounded              White
                                                                                      FONT: Headline, Rounded
                    STITCHED MEDALLION              TAPESTRY FLORAL                   TAPESTRY STRIPE
                    AVAILABLE 9/1                   AVAILABLE 9/1                     AVAILABLE 9/1
                    BLEND THREAD: Dark Olive,       BLEND THREAD: Brown,              BLEND THREAD: Brown,
                    Oatmeal                         Burgundy, Oatmeal                 Deep Merlot, Golden Yellow
                    POP THREAD: Golden Yellow, Hot   POP THREAD: Golden Yellow,       POP THREAD: Orange, White
                    Pink, Red, Royal Blue FONT:     Orange, White                     FONT: Headline, Rounded
                    Headline, Rounded               FONT: Headline, Rounded
                    TWILL STRIPE                    TWO-TONE WEAVE                    WOVEN STRIPE
                    BLEND THREAD: Black,  Charcoal,   BLEND THREAD: Charcoal,         BLEND THREAD: Navy Blue,
                    Olive                           Dark Olive, White                 Oatmeal
                    POP THREAD: Red, Slate Blue     POP THREAD: Black, Deep Teal      POP THREAD: Aqua, Hot Pink,
                    FONT: Block, Headline           Merlot, Purple                    Powder Pink, True Turquoise
                                                    FONT: Goes great with your        FONT: Block, Rounded
                                                    favorite font!
                                                                             Start your business your way. Ask your Consultant how.  59
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