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I was floored when I discovered
                                                                A                 the income potential. I never
                                                                                  knew it was possible to earn a
                                           Shown above: Studio  Thirty •One Classic Body in Caramel Charm Pebble
                                           w/ Deep Merlot Pebble Flap & Caramel Charm Pebble Shoulder Strap;
              Shown above: Studio  Thirty •One Modern Body in Caramel Charm   Studio  Thirty •One Classic Body in Black Beauty Pebble w/ Deco Diamond   full-time income with no previous
              Pebble w/ Lovely Leopard Pebble Flap & Crossbody Strap  Flap & Black Beauty Pebble Shoulder Strap
                                                                                  experience while having a flexible
                                                                                  and part-time schedule.”
                                                                                  Jonet Greenfield

                                                                                  Senior Executive Director
                                                                                  Nampa, ID  •  Joined August 2010

              Shown above: Studio  Thirty •One Classic Body in Black Beauty Pebble   Shown above: Studio  Thirty •One Flap in Black Beauty Pebble,
              w/ Deco Diamond Flap & Black Beauty Pebble Shoulder Strap  Deep Merlot Pebble & Deco Diamond

                                                                hostess exclusive

                                                                Bundle any three flaps for
                                                                an amazing price when
            B                                                   you share Thirty-One this
                                                                season! See pages 60-61.

              Shown above: Studio  Thirty •One Modern Body in Midnight Navy Pebble
              w/ Olive Twill Stripe Flap & Midnight Navy Pebble Crossbody Strap;    Shown above: Studio  Thirty •One Flap in Dot Trio, Lovely Leopard
              Studio  Thirty •One Modern Body in Ooh-La-La Olive Pebble w/ Garden    Pebble & Ooh-La-La Olive Pebble
              Party Flap & Ooh-La-La Olive Crossbody Strap

                                                                                  How do you use Studio Thirty•One
                                                                                  to express your style?
                                                                                  I love the plethora of options with my Studio
              Shown above: Studio  Thirty •One Modern Body in Caramel Charm    Shown above: Studio  Thirty •One Modern Body in Black Beauty
              Pebble w/ Tapestry Floral Flap & Deep Merlot Pebble Crossbody    Pebble w/ Ikat Bazaar Flap & Black Beauty Pebble Crossbody Strap.   Thirty•One  purse. I’m not committed to just
              Strap; Studio  Thirty •One Classic Body in Black Beauty Pebble w/   Flap available 9/1
              Stitched Medallion Flap & Black Beauty Pebble Shoulder Strap.       one color or style but instead can change it
              Flaps available 9/1
                                                                                  up whenever I want! It's also an affordable
                                                                                  way to switch up my purse. Instead of
              A.    Studio Thirty•One  Classic
                (9065) $80 kP See pg. 45                                          buying a whole new one, I can just get
              B.    Studio Thirty•One  Modern                                     a new flap!
               (9064) $80 kP See pg. 45
                                                                                  Representations made about income should not be considered
              C.    Studio Thirty•One  Flap (9040)                                as typical or guarantees of your potential earnings or profits as a
               $18 kP (Shown left: Ooh-La-La Olive Pebble                         Thirty-One Consultant. Your success with Thirty-One depends on
                                                                                  several factors, such as time devoted to your business, tenure and
               w/ Stacked in Dark Olive; Deco Diamond w/ Dotted                   hard work. Not everyone will achieve the represented level of income.
               in Oatmeal) See pg. 45                                             Such amounts are before expenses, if any. For more information
                                                                                  about what you can expect as a Thirty-One Consultant, please read
                                           Shown above: Studio  Thirty •One Flap in Stitched Medallion,    our Income Disclosure Statement posted on the "Join Us" page at
                                           Tapestry Floral & Ikat Bazaar. Flaps available 9/1
                                                                              Start your business your way. Ask your Consultant how.  7
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