Page 14 - Tensionmeter Catalog 2018
P. 14

A   Hand-Held, mechanical                  S C H  M  I   D    T
          DX Series
                                            c o n t r o l   i n s t r u m e n t s

         DX SERIES                  Universal tension meters                                       10  50      20  120

          12 Tension ranges         for most industrial applications                             15  cN  45  30  25  cN  100 90
          from 10 - 50 cN to 5 - 20 daN                                                            SCHMIDT  40  SCHMIDT  80
                                                                                                 20     35   40    70
                                                                                                   25  30      50  60
                                                                                                  DX2-50     DX2-120
                                                                                                   20  200     20  400
                                                                                                  30  180    40    300
                                                                                                    cN  160     cN
                                                                                                 40                250
                                              Model DX2-200                                      50     140  60
                                                                                                   SCHMIDT     SCHMIDT  200
                                                                                                 60    120   80
                                             Actual size                                                      100  150
                                                                                                   80  100      125
                                                                                                  DX2-200    DX2-400
                                          Best selling tension meter                               50 1000 800 700  200  2000 1800
                                            worldwide  ! 
                                                                                                 150  SCHMIDT  500  SCHMIDT
                                                                                                             600  1200
                                                                                                  200  400
                                                                                                     300       800  1000
                                                                  fig. 1: Adjustable damping
                                                                  (Code A) to                    DX2-1000    DX2-2000
                                                                  provide steady
                                                                  tension readings                 400 5000 4000  1000 8000 7000
                                                                                 without damping  600  cN  3500  cN  6000
                                                                                 with damping    800   3000  1500
                                                                                                 1000  SCHMIDT  2500  2000  SCHMIDT
                                                                                                  1200  2000  2500
                                                                                                    1600        3000
                                                                                                 DX2-5000    DX2-8000
                                                                                                   2.5  10     5  20
                                                                                                 3  daN  8      daN
                                                                                                   SCHMIDT  7  SCHMIDT  14
                                                                                                  4          8    12
                                                                                                   4.5  5      9  10
                                                                             fig. 2: Special finger
                                                                                support located   DX2-10 K   DX2-20 K
                                                                                     on the rear side
                                                                                       of the housing  200 100 3000 2500  200 4000
                                                                                                             400  3000
                                                                                                 300  cN        cN
                                                                                                       2000        2500
                                                                                                 400   1800
                                                                                                 500  SCHMIDT  1600  600  SCHMIDT  2000
                                                                                                 600   1400  800
                                                                                                      1200        1600
                                                                                                   800  1000    1200
                                                                                                DX2-3000 EDM DX2-4000 EDM
         Special features:             Standard features:                                       SCHMIDT scales are manu-
                                                                                                factured according to the most
           Built-in material thickness    Everything in                                       stringent quality requirements.
            compensator improves accuracy    operator’s view:                                   Printed scales are not used.
            for changing diameters on      – the guide rollers                                     Instead, each scale is indivi-
            DX2-1000 and higher ranges     – the measured material                                     dually marked for the instru-
           Special finger support reduces     – the readings                                              ment involved. This en-
                                                                                                             sures highest quality.
            the effort to move the outer    Ball-bearing mounted,                                              Our special procedure
            roller assembly               V-grooved guide rollers                                                   makes it possible to
           Filament guide and roller shifting    Each instrument is                                                   provide tension
            mechanism ensure easy acquisi-    individually calibrated                                                      meters fine
                                                                                                                             tuned to a
                                          for highest accuracy
            tion of the running material
    Subject to change without notice.    special calibration are available    Rugged aluminium  fig. 3:  Material thickness                             brated to customer
                                                                                                                              specific tension
                                          41 mm Ø scale
           Custom-built configurations and
                                                                                                                             range, or cali-
                                                                                                                       supplied material,
           Built-in mounting holes permit
                                                                                                                   or units of measure
            fixed installation for continuous
                                          Inspection Certificate
                                                                                                               such as g or kg.
                                          with Calibration Report
            tension measurement
                                          optionally available
                                                              compensator with material
                                                              sample inserted
                                          SCHMIDT · ALL OVER THE TECHNICAL WORLD
          A 3                            
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