Page 3 - Catalogue20Aug2018
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Judicial Dissent and Indian Product Description
Supreme Court The history of Indian Supreme Court adequately
Practice Area: Administrative testifies that judicial dissent may engage vitally
Law in the development of law but situation has to
Author(s): Yogesh Pratap Singh be made conducive to nurture this tradition. The
ISBN: 9789386374509 book has been written with the warm hope that
Price: Rs.975 it will be useful for practitioners of law however;
Format: Hardback it would be of much wider interest and will be a
Pages: 528 valuable resource for academics, historians and
students of law.
Sentencing Jurisprudence- Product Description
an Indian Perspective The justification of punishment poses one of
Practice Area: Jurisprudence the most difficult jurisprudential issues.
Author(s): A.Lakshminath, Everybody has a view on what punishment is,
Komunduri S. Murthy and how it is to be carried out; though moral
ISBN: 9789386374639 sensitivity often gets in the way of an objective
Price: Rs.595 analysis of the subject.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 315 This book is intended for serious law students
and lawyers in the Indian setting who may wish
to acquire knowledge of the sentencing process.
At the risk of being too elementary for some and
too advanced for others, allowance is made for
the fact that the extent of the readers’
knowledge of Indian law may vary considerably.
Criminal Law Product Description
Practice Area: Criminal Law The Fundamentals guides you through the
Author(s): Christina Mcalhone, central principles of Criminal Law, using
Natalie Wortley accessible and helpful language. The study of
ISBN: 9789386374615 Criminal law is a study of Liability(guilt) or lack
Price: Rs.1075 of liability, an examination of what has to be
Format: Paperback proved and by whom. The student able to
Pages: 624 understand the state of mind at the time of
perpetration of the crime, Study cases of Non-
fatal offenses, Assault and battery, Man
slaughter, Sexual offenses and Theft.
* Prices are subject to change without prior notice