P. 316

Great Expectations

             of his eyes, or so avaricious that he locked up his cake till
             the mice ate it, or so determined to go a bird’s-nesting
             that he got himself eaten by bears who lived handy in the
             neighbourhood. I tell you what I should like. We are so

             harmonious, and you have been a blacksmith - would you
             mind it?’
               ‘I shouldn’t mind anything that you propose,’ I
             answered, ‘but I don’t understand you.’
               ‘Would you mind Handel for a familiar name? There’s
             a charming piece of music by Handel, called the
             Harmonious Blacksmith.’
               ‘I should like it very much.’
               ‘Then, my dear Handel,’ said he, turning round as the
             door opened, ‘here is the dinner, and I must beg of you to
             take the top of the table, because the dinner is of your
               This I would not hear of, so he took the top, and I
             faced him. It was a nice little dinner - seemed to me then,
             a very Lord Mayor’s Feast - and it acquired additional
             relish from being eaten under those independent
             circumstances, with no old people by, and with London
             all around us. This again was heightened by a certain gipsy
             character that set the banquet off; for, while the table was,
             as Mr. Pumblechook might have said, the lap of luxury -

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