Page 131 - the-portrait-of-a-lady
P. 131

Chapter 11

         He took a resolve after this not to misinterpret her words
         even when Miss Stackpole appeared to strike the person-
         al note most strongly. He bethought himself that persons,
         in her view, were simple and homogeneous organisms, and
         that he, for his own part, was too perverted a representative
         of the nature of man to have a right to deal with her in strict
         reciprocity. He carried out his resolve with a great deal of
         tact, and the young lady found in renewed contact with him
         no obstacle to the exercise of her genius for unshrinking
         enquiry, the general application of her confidence. Her situ-
         ation at Gardencourt therefore, appreciated as we have seen
         her to be by Isabel and full of appreciation herself of that
         free play of intelligence which, to her sense, rendered Isa-
         bel’s character a sister-spirit, and of the easy venerableness
         of Mr. Touchett, whose noble tone, as she said, met with
         her full approval—her situation at Gardencourt would have
         been perfectly comfortable had she not conceived an irre-
         sistible mistrust of the little lady for whom she had at first
         supposed herself obliged to ‘allow’ as mistress of the house.
         She presently discovered, in truth, that this obligation was
         of the lightest and that Mrs. Touchett cared very little how
         Miss Stackpole behaved. Mrs. Touchett had defined her to
         Isabel  as  both  an  adventuress  and  a  bore—adventuresses
         usually giving one more of a thrill; she had expressed some

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