Page 203 - the-portrait-of-a-lady
P. 203

and a muffin—at Pratt’s Hotel.’
            ‘Mayn’t I dine with you?’ Ralph asked.
            ‘No, you’ll dine at your club.’
            They  had  wandered  back  to  their  chairs  in  the  centre
         of  the  square  again,  and  Ralph  had  lighted  his  cigarette.
         It would have given him extreme pleasure to be present in
         person at the modest little feast she had sketched; but in de-
         fault of this he liked even being forbidden. For the moment,
         however, he liked immensely being alone with her, in the
         thickening dusk, in the centre of the multitudinous town; it
         made her seem to depend upon him and to be in his power.
         This power he could exert but vaguely; the best exercise of
         it was to accept her decisions submissively—which indeed
         there was already an emotion in doing. ‘Why won’t you let
         me dine with you?’ he demanded after a pause.
            ‘Because I don’t care for it.’
            ‘I suppose you’re tired of me.’
            ‘I shall be an hour hence. You see I have the gift of fore-
            ‘Oh,  I  shall  be  delightful  meanwhile,’  said  Ralph.  But
         he said nothing more, and as she made no rejoinder they
         sat sometime in a stillness which seemed to contradict his
         promise of entertainment. It seemed to him she was pre-
         occupied, and he wondered what she was thinking about;
         there were two or three very possible subjects. At last he
         spoke again. ‘Is your objection to my society this evening
         caused by your expectation of another visitor?’
            She turned her head with a glance of her clear, fair eyes.
         ‘Another visitor? What visitor should I have?’

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